
The Bluffstone in Dallas, TX - Kitchen


David Weekley’s LifeDesign

The key to having your new home live larger is making it feel larger. Architects call it “form and function” – at David Weekley Homes, we call it LifeDesign. This unique concept includes four components: Sight Lines, Traffic Patterns Room Placement, and Windows & Light.

Sight Lines

Two homes have the same square footage yet one seems much larger than the other. Why? The difference is what we call Sight Lines. Sight Lines are what you see from any given point in the home, whether you’re standing in a doorway or seated in a room.

What do You Really See?

As you move through your new home, it’s far more interesting to get a preview of what’s to come with subtle hints of the spaces beyond than to be cut off from the rest of the home. Stand at the kitchen island and look around. Good Sight Lines take in the breakfast nook windows, the family room fireplace and sidelight windows in the foyer.

The Davan - Family Room/Kitchen

“I love our open floor plan. No matter where we are in our home, you can see the outdoors with plenty of natural light. Our animals love being able to sunbathe and look outside!”
— David Weekley Homeowner, Katy Voncannon

A David Weekley Homeowner lounging on a couch with dog
A man sitting with on a couch with a child, looking at a book

Traffic Patterns

The success of a floor plan isn’t judged by how it looks when you’re standing still or seated. The key ingredient of a great floor plan is how you move through it. Rather than hallways, our plans use other rooms as passageways. It makes rooms seem larger and improves Sight Lines.

It’s Not a One-size-fits-all Home

We design homes with traffic patterns in mind that do not interfere with the intended use of the room. And, we don’t settle for just one way into the kitchen, the heart of the home. The more ways in the merrier. A good rule of thumb is three ways in, minimum.

The Maidstone Kitchen and Dining

Move With Your New Home

While we love the thought of you moving into a new David Weekley home, we also take special pride in how easily you’ll move through it. We consider good traffic patterns a fundamental element of our floor plans and another way your new home lives as good as it looks.

A man and woman standing in a kitchen with glasses of wine
a man and woman sitting in bed looking at a laptop

Room Placement

There are times when even the closest of families need their privacy. The best plans keep the Owner’s Retreat at a comfortable distance from noisier parts of the home to create a true sanctuary for the parents.

And, When You Want to be Together…

Sometimes the goal is togetherness, which is why our designs featured public zones that flow effortlessly together. Kitchens open to the Family Room and dining room, making it as easy to chat with your guest as it is to get dinner on the table.

A David Weekley Home interior - living, dining and kitchen area

“We’re two-generation David Weekley Homeowners. Our children bought first and when we visited them, we knew we needed to build our own David Weekley home nearby. The design is so open – yet the rooms are thoughtfully placed to maximize both spaces for family celebrations and our own quiet time.”
— David Weekley Homeowner, Neyda Sanger

A multi-generational family sitting around a dining table with birthday balloons while a child blows out candles on a birthday cake
a man and woman sitting on couches by in a family room with large windows, the woman is holding a baby

Windows & Light

Aside from the practical benefits of fresh air and natural light, properly placed windows create a relationship with the exterior environment that enhances the indoor experience as well.

Windows Can Make Your Home Seem Larger

Windows can take a home from drab to dramatic in the blink of an eye. Used in the right number and proportion, windows breathe life into a new home and make the difference between an inviting space and a dreary one.

a pregnant woman reclines in a chair next to a large window

Everything Works Together

Windows & Light also play a significant role in a room’s perceived size, transforming a dark, claustrophobic space into an open, cheerful gathering place. Whether it’s a sunroom that brings the outside in or the scenic vista from the privacy of your Owner’s Retreat, the appropriate use of Windows & Light are fundamental to good interior design and help your new house feel like a home.

a young woman models a dress for her parents while standing in a wide, bright home entry way

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