Go with the Flow of Traffic

The Maidstone in Austin, TX

Does your home’s Traffic Pattern fit your lifestyle? In other words, does the way you move through your home match your family’s day-to-day living? Do your main rooms have multiple ways to enter and exit? No matter the size or location of your home, avoid wasting square footage by devoting space to high traffic areas.

Movement, Uninterrupted

child coming thrhough front door while parents sit in kitchen

Movement, Uninterrupted

Traffic Patterns are just one component of the David Weekley Homes LifeDesign℠ concept. Our floor plans are designed with the intent that your rooms are not impacted by the traffic flow. Instead of hallways, David Weekley floor plans use other rooms as passageways. This concept makes rooms seem larger and improves Sight Lines.

As the heart of the home, your kitchen shouldn’t have just one way in. The more entrances to the kitchen, the merrier! A good rule of thumb is having a minimum of three ways in and out of the kitchen.

From Room to Room with Ease

The right traffic flow can improve the energy of your home and enhance the look and feel of your favorite rooms. While planning your dream home, think through a typical day’s activities to determine which areas have the lightest and heaviest traffic. Based on how your family travels through a room, you can decide how and where to place furniture and if the floor plan is designed for your family’s lifestyle.

At David Weekley Homes, we take special pride in how easily you move through your home. To us, good Traffic Patterns are a fundamental element of our designs and another way we build with you in mind.

From Room to Room with Ease

floorplan layout showing traffic patterns

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